Friday, August 31, 2007

This is just a test

Today was the first test of the second year of med school. Our schedule was a bit strange. We had our anatomy lab test this morning at 10:00, but didn't have our lecture test until 7:30 tonight. It was dark when I left the testing center....I had to haul it to my truck to minimize my risk of being attacked/abducted/mugged. I'm happy to report that my lab test was a huge success, but it was dampered a bit by my mediocre performance on the lecture test. I ended up with the overall grade I was shooting for, but I just don't feel satisfied. Like I'm going to be a sub-par doctor someday because I didn't know which nerve block you would give to someone having shoulder surgery. Oh well.

So now I don't know if I should just relax and enjoy my weekend, or be a complete masochist, study all weekend and retake the test on Tuesday.....because there's a slim chance that my grade might improve. But if I studied all weekend and my score didn't improve....well, I think I would scratch my eyes out. So....yeah....that's my current dilemma.

Oh, and FYI, next time you're anesthetizing someone for shoulder surgery, I would recommend using an interscalene block.

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