Monday, February 28, 2011

Nights at the VA, Part Deux

"Ahh!  Salam and good evening to you worthy friend.  Please, please come closer...."

Quick!  Name that movie!

I am once again blogging from my sad little night call room at the VA.  With my sad little bowl of Chef Boyardee.  I had a week of vacation 2 weeks ago which was glorious, now I'm back at it....saving lives and taking names.  Well, I'm not really saving lives.  As of yet anyhow.  Mostly just following up potassium levels and writing for sliding scale insulin.  It's a glamorous life.  And I'm not taking names either....they're actually just given to me.  On a piece of paper.  Next to one of the names on that piece of paper are the words, "Pt's BP dropping, may crash tonight."  Ah, lovely. 

My biggest struggle so far tonight has been my ravenous appetite.  This is a bit of a problem because, well, I'm at the VA and, low and behold, they don't have a Waffle House on the premises.  What they do have is a little room with a refrigerator and random snack food.  I've visited this room twice already.  The first time I took some cereal and the second time I opted for the aforementioned Chef Boyardee.  You can imagine the vast array of culinary temptations if the best I could do was Boyardee.  I won't bore you with the details.  I will tell you that the light in the little room with the refrigerator in it has been burned out since Friday.  And it's dark.  And scary.  I have to prop a basket up in the doorway so the door won't close all the way.  If I could remember anything about physics, I could do a better propping job to keep the door open a little wider....but that was too many years ago and my brain has grown old and weary. 

So anyhow.  Now I'm eating my twicely aforementioned Boyardee waiting for some labs to come back so I can try to go to sleep. The good thing about working nights at the VA is that I typically get a few hours of sleep.  The bad thing about working nights at the VA is that I have to leave my sweet husband and cute little P. Nutty girl at home. 

In closing.....
 - Vacation = glorious
 - I'm hungry
 - Following up on and replacing potassium = glamorous
 - I miss my peanut
 - Goodnight

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Too close! A little too close!!"

Aladdin, DUH!! If you were eating the raviloi, then I don't feel too sorry for you. That stuff is good!