Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thank you, skinny 17 year old check out girl at HyVee

Well, we've already established that I'm super-duper pregnant. No more need to point that out, right? Wrong, apparently. Last week I was at the HyVee in Shawnee (so not as cool as the HyVee in Mission - I think there might be a little Indian vs Cougar involved in that opinion - I digress), and this super skinny, 17yr old-looking check out girl was all "ooh, when are you due?" and I was all "2 more weeks." And she was all " 'Cause you look like you're about to pop!!!"

What do you say to that?
a) Thank you
b) I know
c) ***cries a little***
d) Climb fat, pregnant arse over the register reaching for skinny girls neck yelling profanities while my poor, helpless husband tries to restrain me

I'll let you decide.


Nici Flinn said...

I got the same reaction from the teenager cashier at Starbucks this morning. But I was so happy to have coffee and not have anyone remind me not to have coffee while pg, I didn't care.

Em B said...

What is up withcashiers these days offering their unsolicited opinions??