Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If I were a betting woman, I would put money on Louisa's first word being Charlie. Not because he's cute and cuddly and is quickly becoming Louisa's buddy, but because we say his name 50 bajillion times a day.

Most of the time, his name is used in phrases like:

Charlie, get DOWN!

Charlie, stop that!

Charlie, drop the pacifier!

Charlie, stop chewing that!

Charlie, what are you doing!?!?

Charlie, NO!

Come here Charlie....NOW!

For the love of Pete, Charlie!!!
Charlie, don't lick the baby's face!

Despite his orneriness, we sure do love that little feller! The following is a list of the things that he has eaten/destroyed in the past few months:

numerous pacifiers

numerous nursing pads
one nursing bra (sorry Julie)

2 pairs of my underwear

one pair of baby socks

the tassles off of two of Louisa's stocking caps (hand made by GiGi) (What kind of tassles did you think I was talking about?)

3 hair bows

too many pieces of paper to count

Louisa's commemorative birth certificate from the hospital (just one corner)
one sleeper

2 burp cloths

one shoe

one rattle

one stuffed rabbit

one bib

And, my personal favorite, Louisa's immunization record. He was kind enough to throw that one back up :)

I'm sure I'm leaving several items out, but I think you get the picture. Regardless, he's our sweet little one-eyed pirate boy/wiggle butt and we wouldn't trade him for the world.

So don't be surprised when Louisa's first word isn't Mama or Dada, but CHARLIE!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The immunization record is my fav. You should probably put that somewhere safe instead of on your coffee table!