Monday, December 28, 2009

Paid in full

There's a joke amongst medical students that we're all so far in debt with student loans that the only thing we can afford to be is doctors. Sadly true, unless one were to run off to LA and become the "triple threat" like J. Lo. I don't foresee this happening anytime in my future because I'm really only a single threat. I can't sing or act, but I'd like to think that I can dance. But my sad, flabby little postpartum belly is something that should not be wiggled about. At least for now. How did I go from talking about student loans to my midsection? Redirecting.....

Anyhow, although we've been blessed by wonderful families who give us everything and anything they can to make our lives easier, it's rough sometimes to get by on a teacher's salary, especially now with Miss Louisa. We just bit the bullet and got a new-to-us '01 Camry (with a little help from my grandma....okay, a lot of help. Thanks GG!) The civic was starting to feel a little small and rickety and it is quickly approaching 200,000 miles. It was decided by all that Louisa needed a safer car. Forget about Louisa's parents. We are chopped liver. It's all about the baby.

We found a great car with pretty low mileage, but it had a little damage to the left rear panel that needed to be fixed before it started to rust. The guy we bought the car from had an estimate from a body shop for about $700.00.

After we bought the car, we took it to a collision center which is owned by some dear friends. We frequented their business all too often when we owned "Black Betsy," an '05 Corolla that was cursed by the devil and destined for mutilation. We sold her after her 5th wreck in 2 years, none of which were our fault.

My parents were going to pay to have a keyless entry device installed in our new car for a Christmas present, so the car spent a few days getting un-dented, re-painted and keyless-entry-ed. Danny and I went to pick up the car last week, fully prepared to pay for all of the was a good investment, after all. We picked up the keys as the owner walked by.

Us: Car looks great! How much do we owe you?

Him: Um....well....nothin'. Been paid in full.

Danny: (bends over to pick jaw up off of the ground. He's hit pretty hard.)

Me: (thinking to myself "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!")

Us: (after Danny's mandible had been reattached to the rest of his face) No, really...we need to pay you.

Him: Nope. Merry Christmas.

Wow! They always give us a deal and do fantastic work for us, but this was completely unexpected. And it wasn't done for any recognition or praise, just a great guy helping out some crazy kids who are trying to make ends meet. After several hugs and handshakes, we left the shop and headed home. Danny took the Camry and I climbed back into the civic to run some errands. Well, to go to Target. It beckons me.

While I was driving to Target, his words kept replaying in my head....paid in full. (don't cry!) He didn't have to do that! (okay you big baby, no tears!) I was still dumbfounded, humbled and elated all at the same time. And I couldn't help but think about someone else who paid our debt in full. Someone who, a few thousand years ago was born into this weary world to bring hope, healing, restoration. Who taught us how to live, how to love and how to give. He was ultimately crucified, but rose again and offers forgiveness and life eternal to those who love Him....for free. He takes our dented up hearts, makes them whole again and says, "Paid in full."

So during this Christmas season, I am thankful for our wonderful families who give so much of their time and resources, I am thankful for a warm home, plenty of food to eat, a new-to-us car and the generous man who fixed it up and in doing so (whether he realized it or not), gave us a little glimpse of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us.

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas this year!

I will now step down off of my little pulpit and retire for the evening :)