Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Heart You

Okay, so an update on my heart.  Started drinking coffee again and finally my PVCs came back.  Recorded a few good ones on my monitor.  Stopped drinking coffee.  Still having PVCs.  But now they have a hard time getting up in the morning and have less energy during the day.  Oh wait, that's me. 

I think in an earlier post I mentioned something about wearing the monitor for "a few days."  Well, make that 30 days.  Seems a little excessive to me, but what do I know?  I'm just a doctor.  A doctor withdrawing from caffeine.  A doctor withdrawing caffeine who just had to type C-A-F-F-E.... in the little google toolbar because she couldn't remember how to spell it.   Lord help me.  Isn't there some sort of caffeine substitute?  Other than meth? I get to wear my monitor for another two weeks.  And I'm starting to feel a little self conscious when I go out in public and have an EKG sticker stuck to my chest with a conspicuous wire attached to a black box on my belt.  I look like either I'm dying or I'm a suicide bomber....or a dying suicide bomber.  Is that redundant? 

Okay, it's late and my brain stopped functioning sometime in March. 

Word to your mother. 


theJovan said...
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Anonymous said...

...or you're a reality tv star all miked up or Lindsay Lohan with your SCRAM monitor! LOL